Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng New Concepts and Trends of Hybrid MCDM for Tomorrow |
The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners from all the disciplines that engage with the PROMETHEE methods. The best paper presented at the workshop will receive the Jean-Pierre Brans PROMETHEE Award.
Conference website: PROMETHEE Days website : Important dates:
Inscription fees: 70 Pounds Portsmouth is in a central South coast location with great accessibility by road, sea and air. The main part of the city is built on the natural island of Portsea and has a friendly, cosmopolitan and quirky character. With its proud naval and maritime heritage, towering attractions, museums and galleries and of course, miles and miles of waterfront, this is a city worth a visit. Two trains an hour come direct into the city from central London with a journey time of around 90 minutes, Southampton airport is just 20 minutes away by road and both Gatwick and Heathrow are within 60 miles. In addition ferry services come direct to the city from France and Spain.单击此处进行编辑. Fig. 1.1 New hybrid approach in MCDM based on three pillars Fig. 2.2 Main ideas of problem-solving in new hybrid MCDM Fig. 2.3 Conceptual framework of new hybrid/combined MCDM Contents Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Chapter 2 NEW CONCEPTS AND TRENDS IN MCDM PART ONE Chapter 3 BASIC CONCEPTS OF DEMATEL AND ITS REVISION Chapter 4 DEMATEL TECHNIQUE FOR FORMING INRM AND DANP WEIGHTS Chapter 5 TRADITIONAL MADM AND NEW HYBRID MADM FOR PROBLEM-SOLVING Chapter 6 MODM WITH DE NOVO AND CHANGEABLE SPACES Chapter 7 MULTIPLE RULES-BASED DECISION-MAKING FOR SOLVING DATA-CENTRIC PROBLEMS PART TWO Chapter 8 THE CASE OF DEMATEL FOR ASSESSING INFORMATION RISK Chapter 9 E-STORE BUSINESS EVALUATION AND IMPROVEMENT USING A HYBRID MADM MODEL Chapter 10 IMPROVING THE PERFORMANCE OF GREEN SUPPLIERS IN THE TFT-LCD INDUSTRY Chapter 11 EXPLORING SMARTPHONE IMPROVEMENTS BASED ON A HYBRID MADM MODEL Chapter 12 EVALUATING THE DEVELOPMENT OF BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS M-COMMERCE OF SMES Chapter 13 EVALUATION AND SELECTION OF GLAMOUR STOCKS BY A HYBRID MADM MODEL Chapter 14 NON-ADDITIVE HYBRID MADM MODEL FOR SELECTING AND IMPROVING SUPPLIERS Chapter 15 NEW PERSPECTIVE OF MODELING STRATEGIC ALLIANCES BY DE NOVO PROGRAMMING Chapter 16 AUTOMATED FACTORY PLANNING USING THE NEW IDEA OF CHANGEABLE SPACES Chapter 17 FUZZY INFERENCE SUPPORTED MRDM FOR TECHNICAL ANALYSIS: A CASE OF STOCK INVESTMENT Chapter 18 FINANCIAL IMPROVEMENTS OF COMMERCIAL BANKS USING A HYBRID MRDM APPROACH Chapter 19 FCA-BASED DANP MODEL USING THE ROUGH SET APPROACH: A CASE OF SEMICONDUCTOR COMPANIES Chapter 20 HYBRID BIPOLAR MRDM MODEL FOR BUSINESS ANALYTICS Please visit the website of CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group) for more information about this upcoming new book: 2016年「問題解決之研究方法(Research Methods for Problems-Solving)」夏令營活動
新書即將出版: Tzeng, G.H.; Kao-Yi Shen, K.Y. New Concepts and Trends of Hybrid Multiple Criteria Decision Making, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016, In Press.
2.其他注意事項:本次夏令營因受場地容納之限制,人數只限額50名,有興趣之學員請盡速報名,謝謝。 3.課程方面有任何問題,請洽聯絡同學,聯絡方式如下: 黃三麟 台北大學都市計畫研究所 博士班二年級 0922-334-176
The 13th ISAHP conference will take place in London, UK from 4 to 7 August at the Paddington Hotel (click here to reserve at a special rate). In this conference we will have individual papers, posters, special sessions and round tables.
Individual Papers We invite you to send us your original contributions on the topics of the ISAHP2016 conference. Individual authors can access the online submission system through this link. Recommended length for papers is two pages and you can use the given template (PDF, docx). Each paper will be reviewed by two peers, who will also give a suggestion on whether or not the paper submitted is of sufficient quality that the authors can be invited to submit an original contribution to one of the special issues. The deadline for submitting the individual papers is February 29, 2016. More detailed guidelines can be found here. The Program Committee, supported by keynote speakers and track chairs, has been very active in organizing several special issues on relevant journals. Authors will have the opportunity to submit their original contributions to those special issues. Poster presentations We are glad to announce you that the ISAHP2016 conference, will be accepting poster presentations for the first time. An effective poster will help you engage colleagues in conversation and get your main point(s) across to as many people as possible. We invite you to submit the title and abstract of your poster presentation using the online submission system (the posters are submitted via the individual paper submission). All poster abstracts will be reviewed by peers. The deadline isFebruary 29, 2016. More detailed guidelines and poster templates can be found here (link). Special Sessions Special sessions offer an opportunity to present a group of papers which have some common ground, like tackling a specific problem, using similar process/methods, similar application domain or geographical location of the case study. Primary goal is to have a cohesive set of presentations on a specific hot topic during the same session. The process to submit a special session has changed. This year it will be a two-round process. In the first round you are requested to submit the special session idea and the presenters' names and topics of presentation (click here for the 1st round special session template). You can have 3-4 presenters in each special session. After filling in the template you should sent it by email to [email protected] .The topics of their presentations should be within the conference's main tracks. The 1st round submission will be evaluated by the Program Committee, within one week. You can submit your special session idea until January 31, 2016. If it is accepted, you pass to the 2nd round. For the 2nd round submission you will need to gather the papers (see template) from each participant in your special session, merge them in one file and submit this file, using the online submission process. For more detailed information, see theGuidelines. The deadline for the 2nd round submission is February 29, 2016. Round tables Roundtable presentations are the most flexible format offered at this conference, and may look quite different from session to session. The organizer has to gather the presenters for his Roundtable. Roundtable presenters will have about 20 minutes (total for all the presenters) of introduction, followed by 40 minutes of discussion and feedback. Roundtables are excellent venues for giving and receiving targeted feedback, engaging in in-depth discussions, and meeting colleagues with similar interests. The submission process is very similar to the special sessions. More specifically, we have two rounds. In the first round the organizer needs to send by email to[email protected] the initial idea following the given template (click here for the template). The idea will be evaluated by the Program Committee within one week from the submission. You can submit your special round table idea untilJanuary 31, 2016. If the round table idea is accepted, you pass to the second round. This time you will need to enter the information about the round table using the online submission process. For more detailed information on the round submission process see theGuidelines. The deadline for submitting the round table is February 29, 2016. 一、主辦單位:臺北大學研發處 二、協辦單位:臺北大學都市計畫研究所 三、參加對象:有意願奠定研究基礎之全國各大專院校教師與碩、博士班研究生(含大學部三四年級特優培育學生)為原則。 四、活動內容與方式:為提昇研究能量,特舉辦『問題解決之「研究方法」(Research Methods for Problems-Solving)』夏令營活動(Summer Camp),由本校講座教授曾國雄教授(第四屆教育部國家講座、國科會傑出奨三次、國科會特約研究員兩次、暨國科會傑出特約研究獎等)親自主持活動與授課,課程之初會將『「問題解決(Problems-Solving)」之傳統至最新及未來可能發展的“New Concepts and New Trends of Hybrid MCDM for Tomorrow”『問題解決之「研究方法(Research Methods for Problems-Solving)」』』以及『如何投稿SSCI/SCI論文期刊之技巧與要點』精簡地加以深入淺出的介紹;爾後,邀請明星級師資與並搭配助教群以【個案討論】或【計算方法】或【軟體操作】等方式針對各研究方法進行深入探討,並以實例說明(如以曾國雄教授實際在SSCI/SCI期刊刊出之論文為例),以帶動台灣各大學整體之學術研究風氣與提昇研究能量。一開始聽不懂不用怕,聽下去,多聽幾次,同時必須找題目實做(個案分析為以【「實務之故事個案(Story Case in Practice)」+「解決問題之研究方法Research Methods for Problems-Solving)」結果表達(Expression of results含「寫作的技巧(Writing Skill)」與「講的技巧( Speech Skill)」),重點在於基本邏輯之思考與推理】),一直做下去,試著投稿,就會有SSCI/SCI的研究成果,但此研究之成果是沒有白吃的午餐,要耐心,是一步一步的達成。 五、 上課時間:10:00至16:00。 六、 活動地點:臺北大學公共事務學院6F-630教室。
『問題解決之「研究方法(Research Methods for Problems- Solving)」』「台北大學」冬令營 各位老師、同學們大家好! 為提昇台北大學之研究能量與畢業學生工作能力,本校校友講座教授曾國雄親自開授『問題解決之「研究方法」(Research Methods for Problems- Solving)』冬令營(曾國雄講座教授亦為交通大學終身講座教授,第四屆國家講座、國科會傑出奨三次、國科會特約研究員兩次、暨國科會傑出特約研究員,MCDM Edgeworth-Pareto Award等獎);參加對象為開放校內外有意願「奠定研究基礎」之教師與碩博士班研究生(含大學部三四年級特優培育學生)為原則。課程之初會將『「問題解決(Problems-Solving)」之傳統至最新及未來可能發展的「研究方法(Research Methods)」』以及『如何投稿SSCI/SCI論文之技巧與要點』加以深入淺出的介紹,及其他相關基礎課程之教學分享,爾後本研究室團隊教師及助理群協助【個案討論】或【計算方法】或【軟體操作】等方式,針對各研究方法進行深入探討與實例操作,並以實例說明(如以曾國雄教授實際在SSCI/SCI期刊刊出之論文為例),以帶動台灣學術研究風氣與提昇研究能量。新觀念與新趨勢(New concepts and new trends)之研究方法一開始可能不能馬上聽得懂,不必擔心,不用怕,還是聽下去,多聽幾次!自然就會了!本研究群會在課堂中分享新的議題,而課堂中所分享的議題可以做為文章撰寫的「故事」,找題目實作(邊作邊學,個案分析為以【「故事個案(Story Case)」+「解決問題之研究方法」 結果表達(含「寫作的技巧(Writing Skill)」與「講的技巧( Speech Skill)」),重點在於基本邏輯之思考與推理】),並實作,試著投稿,就會有SSCI/SCI的研究成果產出,且可提昇工作與就業之能力;如果欲達到此研究能量之成果,「天下沒有白吃的午餐」,只要耐心學習,一步一步的達成,相信成果必能「事半功百倍」。有了成果,科技部(原國科會)計畫申請案之通過,就順理其章。 詳細資訊如下:
Call for papers for the Journal of Business Research. JBR will publish two special issues from the conference papers at GIKA 2015.
( Deadline: February 28th, 2015 5th GIKA Conference in 2015: GIKA Europe/Atlantic, and the Journal of Business Research. TWO SPECIAL ISSUES IN JBR. CALL FOR PAPERS NOW OPEN The Conference of the Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA): "New Knowledge Impacts on Designing Implementable Innovative Realities" will be held in Valencia (Spain). JBR will participate in this 5th GIKA Conference. The Conference will take place from July 13th (Monday) to July 16th (Thursday), 2015. The theme of GIKA 2015 is New Knowledge Impacts on Designing Implementable Innovative Realities, hosting special issues on: 1. Qualitative Comparative Analysis, Crisp and Fuzzy Set, in Business and Management (exclusively on the research methods). 2. New Knowledge Impacts on Designing Implementable Innovative Realities (open topic to provide a platform to discuss the challenges pertaining to contemporary issues in multidisciplinary research in the development of theoretical and practice knowledge of business, management and economy). First edition of GIKA received papers by scholars from 15 countries, the second GIKA Conference boasted papers by researchers from more than 40 countries, third edition of GIKA received papers by scholars from 31 countries. We are announcing the fourth GIKA Conference. Feedback and Q&A sessions, including suggestions from editors of international journals attending the Conference, helped the authors publish their papers. Each edition of the GIKA Conference offers the chance to publish in the JBR with a special issue edition containing the best papers from the Conference. In GIKA 2015 we are honored to announce that there are TWO SPECIAL ISSUES of JBR to publish best papers in 2016. In addition to paper presentation sessions, paper symposiums, and plenary speech sessions by top international scholars, the Conference provides new programs, including a pre-conference research methodology workshop (by Professor Arch Woodside), a keynote speech and a meet-the-editor session on how to publish in the Journal of Business Research (JBR) (by the JBR editor, Arch Woodside). Meanwhile, the Conference also welcome teaching case studies and research case studies. The 2015 GIKA Conference will be held in Valencia, Spain. Valencia is a beautiful city (please visit for more details) with many fascinating historical monuments, excellent cuisine and a lively Mediterranean atmosphere. March, July and August are the most popular months for residents to spend their Fallas Fiestas (in March), and summer break when often taking the chance to enjoy the city’s beaches. The Conference welcomes researchers from all over the world. Some top important scholars will be prepared to share their advice for your development at GIKA 2015. Domingo Ribeiro and Kun Huang Huarng 2014 International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications (iFUZZY2014) will be hosted by National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, on November 26-28, 2014. iFUZZY 2014 is soliciting novel research results on fuzzy theory and its applications and related topics. Jointly organized by Taiwan Fuzzy Systems Association (TFSA) and NSYSU, this conference provides a very good opportunity for research scientists, investigators, industrial practitioners and government representatives to present their results and to exchange their ideas. The conference will be held in the Ambassador Hotel, located in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
News 大陸地區與會者專區 Call for paper Call for Proposal of Special/Organized Sessions Important Dates Submission of contributed papers due September 8, August 30, August 20, August 5th, July 15, 2014 Proposals and extended abstracts of organized sessions July 31, July 22, July 1, 2014 Notification of acceptance September 26, September 22, September 1, 2014 Final papers due October 22, October 1, 2014 |
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